D Dimer test

D Dimer is a small protein fragment which is present in the blood after fibrinolysis. This product increases in conditions inducing inappropriate fibrinolysis.

Estimation of this product helps in diagnosis of DVT, PE. It helps in assessing course of CORONA VIRUS. In COVID 19 cases there is a condition of hypercoagulability of the perpherial blood,increases chances of DVT hence rise in levels of D Dimers. If D Dimer levels are more than four folds in Corona patient ,immediate hospitalization is required.

COVID-19 causes many complications in the human body and triggers severe inflammation in the lungs and blood vessels.

The corona virus causes blood to become stickier and immobilized patients in ICU have an even higher risk of developing blood clots, known as thrombosis , also at a high risk of a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism caused by a blockage of an artery in the lungs by a blood clot that has come from elsewhere in the body.

D Dimer is commonly elevated in Corona patients at the time of admission & associated increase in severity of disease and hospital mortality. The association between the two is not clear.But it is considered as a reliable prognostic BIOMARKER for corona patients.So if you have low levels of D Dimer you will survive but at high levels of D Dimer, your life is at risk .So immediate anticoagulation therapy would help.

 D-dimer test has made a big difference to more then 50 percent death rate for patients admitted to intensive care with the corona virus, which is a big deal.

D Dimer can be positive in DIC,Recant surgery,Infections,or Trauma.

D Dimer can be false positive in Pregnancy,Rheumatoid arthritis,Hyperlipidemia,Jaundice,Hemolysis,liver diseases,Elderly people.

This test is done in KURUVILLA DIAGNOSTICS and report is provided on the same day.