D Dimer test

D Dimer is a small protein fragment which is present in the blood after fibrinolysis. This product increases in conditions inducing inappropriate fibrinolysis. Estimation of this product helps in diagnosis of DVT, PE. It helps in assessing course of CORONA VIRUS. In COVID 19 cases there is a condition of hypercoagulability of the perpherial blood,increases[…]

Safety and hygeiene

Today in the world of COVID 19 ,Kuruvilla Diagnostics is taking full precautions. Patient”s Temperature is taken by thermal torch, Pedal Sanitizer is used ,Patients and attendents are provided with disposable surgical mask and gloves. Doctors and staffs are also well equiped. Social distanceing is maintained


BLEEDING PER RECTUM Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding) Blood in the stool or rectal bleeding (hematochezia) refers to the passage of bright red blood from the anus. Common causes include  The color of the blood in the stool may provide information about the origin of the bleeding. The color of stool with blood in[…]

Nail health

white nails with a rim of darker color at the tip of the nail is called Terry’s nail and rarely a sign of a severe liver disease called cirrhosis. Most people with this nail change are otherwise in good health. Brittle nails, onychoschizia and onychorrhexis, are often a condition of the elderly. The skin around[…]


Kuruvilla diagnostics has got Accreditated By NABL,ISO 15189:2012. This means we are recognised at international plateform. NABL helps us & guide us to produced best Results. We do our external Quality control from Bio Rad (U.S.A) , CMC  Vellore & AIIMS( DELHI) We also run internal quality control from Bio rad & Randox everyday. We[…]